Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bonding 2

Spent the whole day at work thinking about yesterday's work as I didn't feel convinced it was good enough. And it wasn't. Out of 4 joints only one was to my satisfaction. So I pulled the others apart (see pic) and have started again.

I'm sure there must be a chinese proverb that states something like "if too much at once you do, again it will be done!" (although that maybe be a Yoda proverb!?)

So a different approach has been taken, thanks to finding this website guide

I have mixed some epoxy with filleting mix and bonded the butt joint. When this goes off I will glass both sides of each panel. A little more time consuming but better than having to do everything twice. and it should make the glassing easier, trying to align and glass was a recip for disaster.


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